A | B |
C | D | E | F |
G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Abstract - This is the
text that lies beneath a given search result
link on your search
results page. You may specify whether the META
description, text that matches the query, the very
top of text data, or nothing but the title are displayed. You may also specify the
character length of the abstract. Also in the abstract, you may choose (or choose not) to show the URL, the document
size, and/or the modified date.
(Same as Individual Result Summary/Abstract
and Summary)
Account - A siteLevel
search engine created for a particular URL structure.
Note that multiple accounts may be registered to a single email address.
Background Image - This is an image that appears as the background for a given Web
page. This image is specified within a page's <BODY> tag. An
example is as follows: <BODY background="your-background-image.gif">. You may specify the
background image of your search results pages within your Basic Search Results Customizations, or directly with HTML within your Advanced
Search Results Editor.
Background Image URL - The URL of the background
image that you would like to appear on your search result pages.
Body - The part of a
page that lies between the <BODY> and </BODY> tags. This is
typically the part of a Web page that can be viewed in the window portion of a browser.
Browser - A program that
displays Web pages. Examples include Microsoft Internet
Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
(Same as Web Browser)
Crawl - Obtaining data
from a Web site with the intent to create a searchable
(Same as Spider)
Default Document - The filename that you use for the primary document for directories within your site. Some examples
include the following: index.htm, index.html, default.htm, default.asp. By specifying the default document naming
convention, the chances of a duplicate document being indexed
(resulting in multiple listings of the same Web page
within a single group of search results) are reduced.
Directory - A
collection of files and/or other directories. Examples include the following: "C:\Windows",
(Same as Folder)
Document Size -
The amount of memory that a particular file consists of.
Exclusion URL - A
URL or part of a URL that is not to be spidered and made
searchable. Any part of a
site containing a complete exclusion URL is not spidered. In
cases where a directory matches a specified exclusion
URL, that directory as well
as subsequent directories are
excluded from your searchable index.
Folder - A collection of
files and/or other folders. Examples include the following: "C:\Windows",
(Same as Directory)
HTML - Acronym for
HyperText Markup Language. The computer language used to specify the contents and format of a Web page.
HTML Page - A file
containing HTML code that can be viewed with a Web
(Same as Page and Web Page)
Hyperlink - An
HTML reference that when clicked loads a new
page. An example of a hyperlink's HTML code is
the following: <a href="http://www.yourdomain.com/">Click here</a>.
(Same as Link)
Index - A searchable
collection of data belonging to a given account gathered by
a spider within the specified URL structure.
(Same as Search Index and Searchable Index)
Individual Result
Summary/Abstract - This is the text that lies beneath a given search
result link on your search results page. You may specify whether the META description, text that matches the
query, the very top of text data, or nothing
but the title are displayed. You may also specify the
character length of the individual result
summary/abstract. Also in the individual result
summary/abstract, you may choose (or choose not) to show the URL, the document size, and/or the modified
(Same as Abstract and Summary)
Keyword - A word that is
a queried for with a siteLevel search
Keyword Frequency - The number of times that a given keyword or
phrase has been searched for within a specified
period of time.
Link - An HTML reference that when clicked loads a new Web page. An example of a link's HTML code is the
following: <a
href="http://www.yourdomain.com/">Click here</a>.
(Same as Hyperlink)
Linkback - A
link that you may configure on your siteLevel
search result pages with the Basic Search Results
Customizations. A linkback consists
of a linkback URL and a linkback message and/or linkback image/logo.
Linkback Image/Logo - An image that you may configure to appear on your siteLevel search
result pages that will act as a hyperlink
to your linkback URL.
Linkback Message - The visible text of the linkback at the
top of your search
result pages that you may specify within your Basic Search Results
Linkback URL - The
URL that is hyperlinked to with your linkback. It
is used both for your linkback message and linkback
Linkback Image/Logo Size - The setting within your Basic Search Results Customizations that specifies the pixel size of your linkback image/logo.
Mask - A filter that
consists of a URL or part of a URL. Any
page on your Web site or
directory within your Web site that
contains a mask entirely is considered to match the mask. For example, a mask of
"www.yourname.com/help" would be a match for the Web page located at
"http://www.yourname.com/help/index.html". Masks are used in your Web Site Information settings, within
Exclusion URLs/masks (telling the siteLevel spider which
URLs to avoid), and in your Slice Search Box Configuration, within URL Masks (specifying
which URLs should be included in a given slice) and
Anti-URL Masks (specifying which URLs should be excluded from the given slice).
META Description - A META tag that has a variable name of
"description" and which typically contains in its content a description about the given HTML page.
An example of a META description is the following:
<META NAME = "description" CONTENT = "This document explains what a person should be doing to promote
positive thinking.">
META Keywords - A
tag that has a variable name of "keywords" and which typically contains
in its content a group of keywords related to the subject of the HTML page. An example of the code for META keywords is the following:
<META NAME = "keywords" CONTENT = "motorcycles, off-road, Kawasaki, trails">
META Tag - A part of
the head of a Web page (between <HEAD> and </HEAD>)
which follow the format of <META NAME = "variable name" CONTENT = "information pertaining to
Modified Date -
The last date on which a file was modified and saved. At your discretion, the modified dates of the search
results appearing in your account's search result pages can be
Numbers (Digits) - The
setting that allows you to toggle whether or not numbers (ex. 123456) are indexed (and are thus searchable) for your
Page - A file containing
HTML code that can be viewed with a Web
(Same as Web Page and HTML Page)
Page Limit - The
maximum number of pages that will be included (indexed and
searchable) in a given siteLevel
Password Authentication - The that allows the siteLevel spider to crawl a password protected area of your Web site. All that is required for this is to enter a valid username and password for the given
protected area in the Password Authentication form.
Phrase - A group of
keywords queried on a
search engine.
Pixel - The smallest unit
of a graphic. A standard ad banner for example, is 468 pixels wide and 60 pixels tall.
Primary URL - The
setting that tells the siteLevel spider where to being in spidering your
site. It is preferable to have most, if not all, of the other pages within the
site referenced (hyperlinked) from this URL.
Queries With No Results
Report - A report detailing the queries that have
been performed on an account for which no results were available. Also detailed is the
number of times the query has been performed in the given time
period. This report is available within an account's
usage reports area.
Query - A request for
relevant search results submitted to a search engine
which consists of a keyword or
(Same as Search Query)
Ranking - The order in
which search results appear on a search
results page. The determining factor in this order is each search results' relevancy relative to the other results.
Re-crawl - To send a
spider to update the searchable
index for a given account. This
needs to be executed when
pages within the given Web
site has changed. Search results will not reflect changes in a
site's pages till
after the account has been re-crawled (after the changed have been
(Same as Re-Index)
Re-index - To send a
spider to update the searchable
index for a given account. This
needs to be executed when the
content of the given Web site has changed. Search results will not reflect changes in a Web site's content till
after the account has been re-indexed (after the changed have been made).
(Same as Re-Crawl).
Re-spider - To send a
spider to update the searchable
index for a given account.
Relevancy - The degree
to which a search result matches a search
query. For example, if a search result had a 100% relevancy, that search result
matches the query as much as is possible. If a result had a
relevancy of 0%, it would match the query as poorly as possible.
Relevancy Ranking - The way in which search results for a given query are ordered relative to one another. Put another way, this is the definition of what is
important in determining the relevancy of a given search
relative to another. With your siteLevel account, you
may weigh the page elements of title, META description, META
keywords, and body to
optimize the ordering of your search results.
Relevant - Matching a
query. For example, a page pertaining to the
subject of movies (and containing the word "movies") would be relevant
for a query for "movies".
Result - A link and corresponding text given for a Web page
match returned for to a given query.
Robot - A program that
visits a Web server (including Web pages, files, etc.) without direct human
intervention. A spider is a type of robot.
robots.txt - This is
a text file may be placed within your Web site
which gives various instructions to external robots
(including spiders) visiting your Web
Search Box - The form
appearing on one or more of your Web pages with which a visitor may perform a search
Search Box Counter - The statistic of how many search queries have been performed from your account's
search box page within a given time period.
Search Box Hyperlink - A simple hyperlink that allows your visitors to go to a Web
page (served by siteLevel) that contains your account's search box.
Search Box Page
- A Web page hosted and served by siteLevel that contains
a search box for your account.
Search Counter -
A report available within the usage reports that details the number of search queries performed on a given account
within a given time frame.
Search Engine - A
system that responds to a given query with a list of search
results relevant to
that query.
Search Index - A
searchable collection of data belonging to a given account
gathered by a spider within a specified URL structure. This data may be queried for
keywords, at which time relevant search results will be returned.
(Same as Index and Searchable Index)
Search Link Counter - The statistic of how many times visitors to
your Web site have clicked on a link to your search box (on a page served by whatUseek
Search Query - A
request for relevant results
submitted to a search engine which consists of a keyword or phrase.
(Same as Query)
Search Result - An
item returned by a search engine that is determined to be relevant to a search
query. Search results consist of hyperlinks and descriptive text.
Search Results Page - A Web page which contains the search
results (links and
related text) given for a particular query.
Searchable Index - A searchable collection of data belonging to a given account gathered by a spider within a specified URL structure. This data may be queried for
keywords, at which time relevant search results will be returned.
(Same as Index and Search Index)
Secondary URL - A
URL, other than the primary
URL, which the siteLevel spider may
collect data and look for subsequent pages on your Web
site to visit. The basic purpose of a secondary URL is to ensure that the
pages of your Web site
are all spidered. It is required to specify a secondary
URL(s) for your account if not all of the pages that you would like to be searchable are linked, directly or indirectly, off of your primary
URL. A secondary URL(s) is also required if not all of the Web
pages that you would like to be searchable reside in either the root directory of your primary
URL or subsequent directories.
Site Name - The given
name to a Web site. Typically, this is specified in some
form in the <TITLE> tag of the front page of the
given Web site.
(Same as Web Site Name)
Slice - A section of a
site on which a search query can be targeted. With your siteLevel account, you
may create slices of your Web
site to be searchable that you can pick from a drop-down menu.
Slice Search Box - A search box that has an accompanying drop-down menu of
the slices that have been configured for your
Spider - 1. noun A
program run that goes through a specified URL structure,
saves relevant data from which a searchable index can be created. 2. verb To collect data from a given Web
site within a specified URL structure
with the intent to create a searchable index.
Summary - This is the
text that lies beneath a given search result link on your search results page. You may specify whether the META description, text that matches the
query, the very top of text
data, or nothing but the title are
displayed. You may also specify the character length of the summary. Also in the summary, you may choose
(or choose not) to show the URL, the document size, and/or the modified date.
(Same as Individual Result Summary/Abstract
and Abstract)
Synonyms - A group of
words that is to be considered equivalent to one another. For example, if the words "jason,"
"jay," "jayson," and "jas" are classified as synonyms of one another, queries for any one of these words would all return
the same search results.
Text That Matches Query - Text within a Web page's
<BODY> tags that matches a given query.
This is one of the options for the text to be shown in your individual result
Title - The name of a
page which appears at the very top of a browser window. This consists of the text the
lies within the page's <TITLE> tag. The following is an example of a title in its HTML form: <TITLE>This is my Home Page</TITLE>.
URL - Acronym for Universal
Resource Locator. A statement that specifies a transmission protocol and an Internet identifying number,
typically used for going from one Web site to another on the World Wide Web.
Usage Reports -
Statistics about visitor interaction with the search
box(es) your account. The types of reports available include keyword frequency, search box counter, and visitor statistics.
Very Top Of Text Data - The top of the text a Web page's
<BODY> tags. This is one of the options for the text to be shown in your individual result summary/abstract.
Visitor - A person
viewing your Web page with a Web
Web Browser - A
program that displays Web pages. Examples include Microsoft Internet
Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
(Same as Browser)
Web Page - A file
containing HTML code that can be viewed with a Web
(Same as Page and HTML Page)
Web Site - A collection
of Web pages.
Web Site Name -
The given name to a Web site. Typically, this is specified in some
form in the <TITLE> tag of the front page of the
given Web site.
(Same as Site Name)
Word Endings -
Standard word endings that connote tense, plurality, etc. Examples include the following: -s, -es, -ing,
-ed. You may specify whether or not your account will
recognize word endings.
Word Exclusion List - A list of words that you may specify to be ignored in your searchable
index. For example, if you entered the word "John" into your word
exclusions list, a query for "John" would not return any search results, even if there were relevant